
I always thought for a VLOG to be a VLOG, it needed to be done over a period of time. Now I realize this is not necessarily correct. In reading the literature on it, a VLOG is really meant to capture a person's personal experiences, thoughts, opinions, views and perhaps, just an aspect of the person's life in general via video format. For my first attempt at a VLOG, my VLOG was not completely VLOGGING. It was conversational, experiential, informative, had storytelling elements, ranged appropriately in voice texture and felt natural. It lacked, however, that multi-media component because I became so frustrated with trying to add text and movement, music and images, I stopped. DO NOT ever try to create a VLOG when you are frustrated at the process, because it creates a barrier and for someone like me who moved from technophobe to enthusiast, this is not a positive place to be. Step away from the VLOGGING process and try again. Nobody said it must be perfect the first time. Have a look at my first attempt at a VLOG and of course, I will be attempting it again with muti-media included. 


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